Component 1. Frame And Posture.
The benefits of dance shoes never outweigh the benefits of proper spin technique. Your body should be straight lower abs and stomach should be tight. Your arms are in proper position. If you lift your hand it should be in 90 degree angle.
Component 2: The Spin Prep
There are different prep positions. You can spin from left to the right. Your feet should be side-by-side when you are spinning.
Component 3: Spotting
Keep your head focused on the target spin around and then see the target. If you focused on something that is not so big, then there may be problem so there should not be height mismatch.
Some Aspects should be clear like people want to know "Where Does Momentum Come From?" The power comes from the body itself so make sure that your body is united in one piece. Rather than moving your hand and hips try to move your body around.
Next is "Which Foot Do I Spin On?" If you are spinning right then supporting foot is the right one and when you spin on left support is provided by the left foot.
"Should I Tap My Foot?" Whenever you go around you can tap on your supporting foot. You can tap in the direction you are targeting your spotting. Make sure you don't want to push yourself off the floor since that will throw off your balance.
"Spinning Example In Partner Work" Dance gently take care of tapping and spinning practice a lot.
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