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Not sure where to start when learning the Mambo? Look no further. Get started dancing the Mambo by learning the four most basic steps. Master the Cuban style & flare needed to dance the Mambo with hel ...
Pull through the Legs is a beginner move that is quite easy to pick up. Definately a great move to begin with!Practise makes perfect!! Be safe and warm up. Use mattress's if need be. ENJOY! ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to do a tango pivot wrap. For the leader the two main things are the position and the energy. You want to make sure the follower has her axis in most of the wraps unless ...
Dancing salsa is like making love on a wood floor. Interested?If so,then check out this easy to follow dance video which will guide you step by step through how to dance salsa. From sashaying your hip ...
Salsa dancing thrives on spontaneity and the wonderful chemistry and fun move variations and transitions you create with your partner, but these bouts of freestyling and showing off must be grounded i ...
Are you an intermediate level salsa dancer? If so, then this clever move, called a pass behind the lock, will quickly step up your game and make your dancing much more smooth.The pass behind the lock ...
Salsa is not salsa without one of the signature salsa moves, spinning. If you're male (the lead) then you'll be doing fewer spins, whereas if you're the female then expect to be twirling around and ar ...
If you're getting tired of doing your cardio workout tapes because they're getting tedious and boring, then dance may be just what you need to get your heart rate up while having fun.Take a gander at ...
Let's face it, ladies: Salsa dancing is a guy's dance. By that we mean that whether or not you have a thrilling time dancing and look professional depends on how good your male partner is, since he's ...
Salsa dancing, like salsa the food, is spicy hot and full of Latin American sizzle. During salsa dancing, there is a double-handed move called the in-n-out in which the girl gets spun out to her left ...